MFA – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation

Historical Background

Our history


1 July 1960
MFA Established

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation was established on 1 July 1960, coinciding with the unification of the former British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland to form the Somali Republic. From its inception, the Ministry has served as the primary institution responsible for shaping and implementing Somalia’s foreign policy, promoting the country’s values, and safeguarding its interests abroad.

The Ministry’s name was briefly changed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Investment Promotion from 2015 to 2017, reflecting a period where attracting foreign investments and economic partnerships was prioritized.

Since its founding, the Ministry has passed through four major stages, reflecting Somalia’s political and historical developments:


Civil Rule

During this era, the Ministry focused on building Somalia’s identity on the global stage. It worked to establish diplomatic relations, align with other newly independent African nations, and promote regional unity through the Organization of African Unity (OAU). Somalia’s foreign policy emphasized peace, cooperation, and support for liberation movements across Africa.


Military Rule

Under Siad Barre’s regime, Somalia’s foreign policy shifted with Cold War dynamics. The Ministry managed Somalia’s strategic alliances, first with the Soviet Union and later with the United States. During this period, Somalia sought to balance ideological alignments while promoting national interests and resolving regional disputes.

Transitional Governments Stage

After the collapse of the central government in 1991, Somalia entered a prolonged period of instability. The Ministry played a critical role in the efforts of transitional governments to re-establish Somalia’s global image, engage the international community, and secure support for rebuilding state institutions. The emphasis during this stage was on reconciliation, international recognition, and diaspora engagement.


Federal Governments Stage

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